As an introduction to their sculpture unit, Art 7/8 and Art 1 students experimented with using the emerging technology of 3D printing to create miniature sculptures. They learned how 3D printing is being used in not only in art, but in science and medicine as well. Students used Tinkercad, a 3D modeling software to create original sculpture designs. They worked in the computer lab for 2 days creating their designs in early March. It took a team of teachers two weeks to print the finished sculptures. Thanks to Linda Kay and Robin Young for their help in bringing this cool experience to our art department! ~ Mrs. Duvall
As part of a unit on the earth's surface and topographical maps, 8th grade students came to the computer lab where they worked as a team to create a virtual topographical map in MinecraftEDU. They were first given a mountain that they were to mark each elevation pint using different color blocks. Once completed the class identified steep and gentle slopes as well as made predictions about erosion. Next they were challenged to build a mountain up based on the lines given. This proved to be a bit more challenging to work collaboratively and problem solve to complete the task.
Sixth grade students read the book Iqbal , about a child worker in a Pakistan carpet factory. In order to help the students understand the Pakistanian culture, and the carpet factories, the library transformed into the first LibTech tours under the guidance of Linda Kay, librarian and Robin Young, Instructional Technology Specialist. Using Youtube videos, Google Earth and eMaze, students were transported from RMS to Pakistan where they got to hear the music, see some cultural highlights, and visit a carpet factory. They were also given an opportunity to eat lentil soup (a staple in the book for the carpet workers) and try their hand a t weaving a carpet. To summarize their learning for the day they wrote a postcard home to let their parent know they were okay and all that they had learned.
As part of an enrichment day rotation in late December, RMS students learned how to manipulate camera settings on a digital camera to create "light paintings," which capture illuminated motion in a still photograph. Connections were made to science, history, and modern art. Students enjoyed experimenting with this little-known technology!
Ms. Ralph, Mrs. Allen and I worked with the math intervention students these last 2 days to on coding skills, pointing out math skills as we went. Students started with Accessorizer and focused on X,Y co-ordinates. We then talked about the radius of a circle and how that worked into Anna and Elsa's coding on Those that finished early worked on coding a Holiday tree in Washington DC. It was a great 2 days!
November's Technology Camp focused on coding video camps through the program Kodu. Students were given freedom to move through the tutorials and create a video game using the video game design template. Those that completed a game were then able to use the campus Makey Makey kits to design controllers for their game. Twenty one students attended this camp and almost all were able to complete the video game program in this short time. The next technology camp will be held in December and will be focused on how to use MinecraftEdu to build.