Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Geometry Gets SMART

Mrs. Rutherford's geometry classes are learning about the medians and altidues of triangles with the help of geometer sketchpad and the Smart Slate.   Mrs. Rutherford drew the triangle in Sketchpad and then had the students use the slate to add in lines to demonstrate the concepts being learned.  The hands on time of the students helped them understand the concept better and engaged them in the lesson as they took turns drawing the lines and labeling the points.  The technology also allowed Mrs. Rutherford to move around the room and interact with the students as she taught.  Great use of the technology!


Monday, November 19, 2012

Making Connections in US History

Students in Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Koch, Ms. Sphar, Ms. Webster and Mr. Jasman's classes used technology to research a "Seed of Democracy" and then constructed a paper slide video to explain how that seed played into the Constitution and how we run our country today.   Paper slides were recorded with Flip cameras and then viewed by the entire class so they could learn from each other and review they Constitution.

Career Cruising with Mr. Damron

Sixth Grade students have been exploring their career possibilities by completing an interest inventory survey through Career Cruising.  Mr. Damron, 6th grade counselor) has been meeting with students through their World Cultures classes to lead them through this website from logging on, to completing the survey and exploring the results.   This is the first of several activities student do with the counselors to explore future careers and how that plays into high school course planning with the counselors. 

Edmodo in English

Students in 8th Grade English classes are using Edmodo to guide their Hunger Games book study.  Teachers are able to create classes in a secure environment and the students then join the class using the code provided by the teacher.

In Ms. Mark's class students were asked to give examples of literary devices they found in the novel.  Mrs. Marks was then able to grade their assignment and give comments on their response all online through the website.  She says that "It is great!"

Monday, November 12, 2012

What if Elements had facebook accounts?

In 8th grade Science the students in Mr. Alexander, Mr. So, Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Palermo and Ms. Parks' classes recently studied the Periodic Table.  They showed what they had learned about elements by creating Facebook like pages with the help of a  powerpoint template.  Students had to learn how their elements interacted with other elements and specific properties in order to complete the assignment. 

Here are some student samples:

Thursday, November 8, 2012

ELA Classes are Creating Documentaries

Students in Ms. Maki, Ms. Russell, Mrs. Ratica, Mrs. Salazar and Mr. Cross's classes have been reading biographies and are turning those biographies into documentaries.  To do this they are using the information they have learned, their skills in writing narrative posts and  online images.    They are then using  PhotoStory to create a mini-documentary to show to the rest of the class.    They are also learning how to create bibliographies with the help of

Here are some of the finished products:

Friday, November 2, 2012

Super Scratch Camp 2012

Scratch ProjectToday marked the last day of Super Scratch Technology Camp.  For the past week students gathered each morning at 7:40am to learn how to program video games using a program from MIT - Scratch.  

Students learned to add elements, control those elements and finally have a game that others can play through the Scratch website.

This camp was run by the campus ITS, Robin Young.

To play the game please visit the Gallery at:

The next technology Camp will be December  3-7.   Check the RMS website for more details in the next few weeks.

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