Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Hour of Code and Math
Monday, November 10, 2014
Kodu and Makey Makey - Coding and Design

Friday, November 7, 2014
This week in Mrs. Salazar's 6th grade World Cultures classes students crafted memes to demonstrate their knowledge of Europe. Here is one of them:
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Mrs. Pickle is not the only teacher on campus using this web tool to help prepare students. Mr. Lucas' classes used this recently to review science concepts. Using this tool keeps students engaged and learning throughout the class period.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Sharing the Information!

In our Next Generation Digital Classroom Ms. Raph and Mrs. Allen are grouping resources using Blendspace to allow students to work through the websites at their own pace and at the same time sharpen their math skills.
Mr. Clark's World Cultures classes are exploring Europe with the help of Symbaloo - an easy way to visually organize the links they will need to learn the material.
6th grade,
8th Grade,
Social Studies
Friday, September 26, 2014
MakerSpace meets Science

This is the first MakerSpace event Mrs. Kay and Mrs. Young are planning to host this year. Makerspace is a educational movement that emphasizes the need for students to built and create to learn. The next event will be in October and will focus on constructing roller coasters.
Here is the lesson and resources used in today's event:
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Students Review the Bill of Rights
Students in Mrs. Collins, Mr. Jasman, Mr. Tong and Ms. Webster's class are getting familiar with the first ten amendments as they research how they have impacted various court cases over the years. After completing some research they were to write 2 letters to the editor expressing both sides of the court case related to the amendment they have chosen.
Students also expressed their opinions of various uses of the first amendment through the use of polling software, Socrative. Students chose to agree or disagree with statements and then as a class discussed the results of the class versus results given to the American population. The discussion allowed for students to critically think through the First Amendment and their thoughts about how it should be and is being applied to American life.
Students also expressed their opinions of various uses of the first amendment through the use of polling software, Socrative. Students chose to agree or disagree with statements and then as a class discussed the results of the class versus results given to the American population. The discussion allowed for students to critically think through the First Amendment and their thoughts about how it should be and is being applied to American life.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Frog Dissections
Students in 7th Grade Science classes prepared for frog dissection by going online. The learned about frog anatomy and dissection techniques by running through a virtual dissection on the computer the day before the frogs and scalpels were brought out. On Dissection day students worked in groups of 3 or 4 to make the cuts and find and identify the various organs.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
RMS Staff Get to Play with Augmented Reality
The week leading up to the Spring Holiday, Ridgeview Staff were sent on a Easter Egg Hunt. To participate the needed to load Aurasma on their smartphone and follow the Ridgeview Middle School Channel. They could then hold their phones over the image on the Eggs and watch images come to life. All the eggs had examples of how this tool could be used in the different subject areas to highlight student work or to help students dig deeper into a concept. As the teachers found each egg they were able to access a google form through the app that allowed them to log their find. The results were fun for all who aprticiapted and was a good way to introduce to teachers to another way that BYOD can be used in the classroom to enhance instruction. Professional Development opportunities to develop their own auras will be coming soon.
The teachers were also asked to take "selfies" of videos with the eggs. Some of these images are in the video below.
The teachers were also asked to take "selfies" of videos with the eggs. Some of these images are in the video below.
Friday, April 18, 2014
7th Grade ELA Brushes Up on Reading Skills
Students in Mrs. Porter's and Mrs. Pickle's classes spent the week before STAAR using the school netbooks and online resources to help prepare for the upcoming STAAR Reading Test. Students worked through stations including grammar rules with the help of BrainPop videos and online quizzes. Another station had students on Newsela reading current events and answering questions based on their own reading levels. This allowed the teacher to work in small groups with other students to review key points and review strategies they had learned all year.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Reviewing for 8th Grade Science STAAR
8th Grade Students went online to review for the upcoming STAAR Science test. Using materials chosen for them to address high stakes TEKS students interacted with the science concepts and got to clear up misconceptions the weeks before the Science Test.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Science Review with Kahoot!
Human Body Systems in Science
Students in Ms. Billing's room were learning about different body systems through an online presentation and Brainpop videos. In addition to checking on the students notes they took from the resources that were shared, Ms. Billings checked for understanding as she had students composes a paper tweet about what they had learned or what questions they still had about what had been studied. In Ms. Filary's room students learned about the respiratory system by examining a website and answering questions on a handout.
Friday, February 21, 2014
Onboarding Party
Students were invited to bring their devices to the library the mornings of February 18, 19 or 20th to take advantage of the district provided wifi on campus. Students were divided into groups based on the operating system of their devices and were walked through the instructions with several teachers and staff on hand to help out as needed. Over 300 students took advantage of that opportunity and can now use the district wifi while on campus. Any student or staff member can onboard their device at any time following these directions.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Math Loves Technology!
Sixth grade students started off the new year by diving into Think Through Math. "Think Through Math is a Web-based solution that provides adaptive math instruction for students in grades 3 through Algebra 1. Developed by teachers and technologists to help students prepare for rigorous Common Core and TEKSstandards and assessments, " (http://www.thinkthroughmath.com/)
Seventh grade math spent much time in the fall semester using technology to review and practice math concepts with various websites for math practice for students including Think Through Math, SumDog, and math-play.com. The students also used online quizzing software like Socrative for formative and sumative assessments. Mr. Ritchie says "My students love using technology! I think it is the future of education. My students use an online educational software called Think Through Math. It is a self paced software that only lets you move on as fast as your knowledge will let you. There are also incentives for the students to be successful. That is an added bonus. "
Eighth Grade student have also spent time on Think Through Math to reinforce skills, especially in the Algebra and Geometry classes. These students are taking the STAAR 8th Grad Math exam as well as the Algebra and Geometry End of Course Exams, so this program allows students to review math concepts that were covered in previous years.
Seventh grade math spent much time in the fall semester using technology to review and practice math concepts with various websites for math practice for students including Think Through Math, SumDog, and math-play.com. The students also used online quizzing software like Socrative for formative and sumative assessments. Mr. Ritchie says "My students love using technology! I think it is the future of education. My students use an online educational software called Think Through Math. It is a self paced software that only lets you move on as fast as your knowledge will let you. There are also incentives for the students to be successful. That is an added bonus. "
Eighth Grade student have also spent time on Think Through Math to reinforce skills, especially in the Algebra and Geometry classes. These students are taking the STAAR 8th Grad Math exam as well as the Algebra and Geometry End of Course Exams, so this program allows students to review math concepts that were covered in previous years.
8th Grade Science Gets Moving
Monday, January 6, 2014
Fine Arts and Technology
Choir students led by Ms. Williams and Mr. Goad are participating in FUNdamental Fridays which incorporates technology into their classroom with activities such as PowerPoint games where kids answer questions and compete against each other.
They also use technology to analyze student's sight reading skills with the use of a microphone and a program called SmartMusic.
Band also uses SmartMusic to help students learn their music faster. Mr. Mullen states: With our advanced band kids, we use it to help them learn their region band music. The software allows them to hear the music, and also to play along. The software follows the player and can provide feedback as to whether or not the rhythms were correct. It can also adjust the tempo to help students who need to practice things a little slower or challenge the successful students with quicker speeds.
They also use technology to analyze student's sight reading skills with the use of a microphone and a program called SmartMusic.
Band also uses SmartMusic to help students learn their music faster. Mr. Mullen states: With our advanced band kids, we use it to help them learn their region band music. The software allows them to hear the music, and also to play along. The software follows the player and can provide feedback as to whether or not the rhythms were correct. It can also adjust the tempo to help students who need to practice things a little slower or challenge the successful students with quicker speeds.
Our beginners use this software as well. Seeing the music on the screen and watching as the cursor follows along really helps them feel the pulse. It frees us up as teachers to walk around and monitor students on a more individual basis.
Theater Arts recently completed a webquest on Greek Theater and used the netbooks to research pieces of Greek Theater as students created masks and presentations from their findings.
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